Established in 2019, the MQ Health Translational Orthopaedic Research Program is an intensive collaboration between academic surgeons, biomechanical engineers, radiologists, basic scientists and industry partners. And with keen interest being shown by institutions and companies around the world to collaborate, there is huge potential for it to grow.
The program, which has attracted nearly $2 million in funding over the past three-and-a-half years, is led by pioneering shoulder and elbow specialist Associate Professor Sumit Raniga and the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences’ Director of Orthopaedic Research, Associate Professor Richard Appleyard.
The research team showcased their work, including a demonstration of the simulators, at opening of their research lab on 29 March 2023. The event was attended by Vice-Chancellor Professor S Bruce Dowton, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Sakkie Pretorius, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Medicine and Health) Professor Patrick McNeil and 30 other senior university leaders and executives.
The research program has multiple projects under way, including advancing understanding of normal and pathological shoulder biomechanics, designing and testing advanced shoulder prostheses, 3D computer modelling studies of normal and pathological anatomy, and developing improved surgical techniques.